Multiband butterflyfish atop coral

This multiband butterflyfish was cruising past the top of a head of coral. The dark stripe through its eye is a feature seen on many fish species, helping to confuse predators.

Posted in response to Becky’s April Squares challenge theme of ‘Top.’ See more responses here.

7 thoughts on “Multiband butterflyfish atop coral

  1. BeckyB

    what a great fish . . . I’ve only been snorkling twice. Once was amazing the other time, well I got a bit too close to the coral thanks to a low tide. not great!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Graham Post author

      Yes, it’s not good for either party getting too close to coral. Given my propensity for running into things and accidentally cutting myself, I’m amazed I haven’t done myself more harm when I go swimming.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Graham Post author

      Alas, I haven’t been in the water for two weeks or more. A combination of the parks being closed (We’re allowed to swim, but not allowed to get to the water!) and a series of swells that make for poor conditions.

      Liked by 1 person

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