Orange feral cats

Orange feral cats

A couple of feral cats, of which there are many on the island. These cats are prolific breeders and while there are some spay and neuter programs here, the number of feral animals doesn’t seem to go down.

Posted in response to this week’s WordPress Photo Challenge ‘Prolific.’

15 thoughts on “Orange feral cats

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    1. Graham Post author

      One of the problems is that when there’s a feral colony being looked after, people tend to dump unwanted kittens from their own cats in that area. So even if the ferals are being spayed or neutered, the numbers don’t go down.

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    1. Graham Post author

      They do have personality. Some of the feral cat colonies are looked after and the cats look pretty good. Some of the others look the worse for wear, which is a bit sad.


  3. Timelesslady

    I have a buff/orange cat, his name is Hans. My son rescued him as a kitten with his back legs stuck beneath a fence. He was a feral cat, and now, one of hte sweetest cats I’ve ever had in my home. The one holdover from feral days is he will allow no one to pick him up.

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