Adult black-crowned night heron

Black crowned Night Heron on old tree

Black crowned Night HeronAnother response to the last edition of the WordPress photo challenge with a theme of ‘All time favorites.’

I’ve run photos of black-crowned night herons a few times before, notably here and here. Both those posts could qualify as favorites, but they showed juvenile herons and one feature of the juveniles is that they don’t have a black crown.

These photos are of an adult bird and make it fairly obvious why they have their name. Another feature of this breeding adult is the long white head plume. And finally, all I can say about the bottom photo is, “I love what you’ve done with your hair.”

Black-crowned Night Heron with fuzzy head

6 thoughts on “Adult black-crowned night heron

    1. Graham Post author

      It could well be. I try not to disturb the birds, or anything else for that matter, but every now and then one gets fed up with my presence.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Pingback: All Time Favs – Seeds | What's (in) the Picture?

    1. Graham Post author

      I like those birds, too. The egrets around here are endlessly entertaining, especially in their interactions with cattle. The herons don’t seem to spook easily so it makes it a bit easier to get decent photos of them.

      Liked by 1 person

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