Dawn chorus

This week’s Sunday Stills challenge theme is ‘Awakening.’ See more offerings here.

Around here, awakening is usually courtesy of the dawn chorus. That occurs when the birds themselves awaken and announce to the world that they made it through the night. Pretty much every bird species that lives within earshot takes part, but there are some standouts.

Roosters (above) are the traditional greeter of the new day and that’s true here, though it has to be noted that they’re equally likely to sound off at any time of the day or night. This neighborhood used to be rooster-free for several years. Then one wandered in from across the road and now there are several in the vicinity. One in particular keeps trying to make my yard part of its territory. I am resolved to prevent this.

Gray francolins (right) are smaller than roosters but might be even louder. Their call has a little wind up before soaring to full screech. It gets people’s attention at any time of day, but at 5:30 in the morning it’s more effective than mainlining caffeine.

The northern cardinal (below) is a smaller bird still but, from its typically high perch, its variety of powerfully-sung songs tend to ride over everything. But rest assured, the other birds contribute, from the red-billed leiothrix, to Japanese white-eyes, to an assortment of finches, they make sure that I’m up to greet the sunrise, whether I want to or not.

8 thoughts on “Dawn chorus

  1. Terri Webster Schrandt

    What a great idea for awakening, Graham! The sounds of birds calling might be bothersome for some folks but it gives proof of life in our uncertain world these days. I remember staying at my grandma’s house in San Diego as a kid listening to the coo of the doves each morning. Such a soothing sound!
    On another note, I want to ask you if you would like to choose the Sunday Stills theme for May 31? I have it as TBA because I wasn’t sure if we were heading to Spokane that week. Think about it and let me know!

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