Tag Archives: Osmoxylon

Osmoxylon Lineare

An Osmoxylon Lineare plant at Hawaii Tropical Bioreserve and Garden

Becky’s Squares is back this month with a theme of “Walking.” See more responses here.

A walk I try to do two or three times each year is at Hawai’i Tropical Bioreserve & Garden. It’s not a long walk, but it winds through the garden where on each visit I find something new and interesting.

Osmoxylon Lineare comes from the Philippines and is also known as Miagos Bush or Green Aralia. At the garden, the sign calls it Eyelash Bush and the bottom photo gives a clue as to why that might be. To my mind though, the top photo suggest Eyeball Bush might be a better name.

For more information about Hawai’i Tropical Bioreserve & Garden, go to htbg.com.

An Osmoxylon Lineare plant at Hawaii Tropical Bioreserve and Garden

Osmoxylon lineare

Osmoxylon Lineare

Osmoxylon Lineare plantOsmoxylon lineare is also commonly known as miagos bush. It hails from the Philippines and grows to about six feet high. This plant is interesting for its spiky foliage and because the distinctive creamy-white flowers and dark fruits can be seen on the same plant at the same time.

I saw this one at Hawaii Tropical Botanical Garden. I visit there a few times a year, but this was the first time I’d seen this plant blooming, which is why I like going at different times. There’s always something new to see.

For more information about Hawaii Tropical Botanical Garden, go to htbg.com.