Vireya rhododendron

Vireya Rhododendron

This week’s Sunday Stills challenge theme is ‘Thankful.’ (See more responses here.) I mulled a few options but decided to plump for this photo. It’s a vireya rhododendron at Hawaii Tropical Botanical Garden and I chose this for two reasons. First is that I’m thankful to be able to visit the gardens on a regular basis. There’s always something new to see there. I can happily spend an hour or two wandering around, peering into flowers, and snapping photos of geckos clambering over this, that, and the other.

The second reason is that I feel fortunate to see gorgeous flowers, such as this vireya rhododendron, on a frequent basis. Some I find in a garden setting and some are just blooming roadside. There’s so much variety on the Big Island that a drive of just a few miles can take me to a different climate zone and a whole new world of plants and animals.

For more information about Hawaii Tropical Botanical Garden, go to

6 thoughts on “Vireya rhododendron

    1. Graham Post author

      Thanks. Because the garden is in a steep sided valley, the plants are often shaded. It was nice to find something this colorful that was getting some full sun.

      Liked by 1 person

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