Egrets and turbines

Egrets and turbines

Today marks the 1,000th post on this blog. To mark the occasion I looked for a suitably appropriate subject and couldn’t find anything! So instead I chose this photo since it featured a couple of subjects I must have seen a thousand times.

I pass the turbines at Hawi Wind Farm on my way to the part of the coast where I regularly walk. And I’ve seen an awful lot of cattle/horse/sheep/goat/lawn mower egrets since they are omnipresent. Plus I have a soft spot for them.

In this photo, a flock of egrets is on a mission to get from one pasture to another one. They aren’t the most graceful of flyers, but en masse I find they make a very pleasing sight.

8 thoughts on “Egrets and turbines

    1. Graham Post author

      Thanks for the kind words. The secret to 1000 is lots of big pictures! I’ve done more writing in years past, so it’s nice to focus(!) a bit more on the photos.

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    1. Graham Post author

      Thanks. I suspect the egrets don’t have too much trouble with the blades. They spend a lot of time with cattle in these fields and I think they’ve become used to the turbines. The only time I saw any bird having an issue was a great frigatebird that appeared to become a bit disoriented in their vicinity.

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