Tag Archives: Cats

The Numbers Game #7

A gray francolin ventures into the territory of some cats in Hawaii
A Gray Francolin ventures into the territory of some cats.

The idea of The Numbers Game is to enter a number into the search bar of your computer and then post a selection of the photos that turn up. This week’s number is 128. You can see more responses here.

Two painted lady butterflies in a kiawe tree in Hawaii
Two Painted Lady Butterflies in a Kiawe tree.
An Undulated Moray Eel in the waters off Hawaii
An Undulated Moray Eel looking grouchy, as per usual.
Koi swim in Lily Lake at Hawaii Tropical Bioreserve and Gardens
Koi swim in Lily Lake at Hawaii Tropical Bioreserve and Garden.

Cat in a Kiawe

A cat rests in a Kiawe tree in Hawaii

I was impressed to see one of our cats at work, looking comfy on a branch of the large Kiawe tree in the yard. The tree is not only studded with vicious thorns, but is also home to a colony of ants that might outnumber the human population of the island.

You gotta laugh

Breakfast strikes back
A green anole tries to eat a Chinese Rose Beetle, and loses. Original post here.

This week’s Sunday Stills challenge theme is ‘Comics or Funny Pages (aka silly or funny photos).’ See more responses here.

These are photos that I’ve run before, but quite a while ago. They still make me smile and I hope they do the same for you.

Geckos are endlessly entertaining.

But they’re not the only ones.

A gray chub in the waters off the Big Island
Want to come along? We’re going fishing! Original post here.

When push comes to shove

Two cats squabble at a food bowl in Hawaii

This week’s Sunday Stills challenge theme is ‘Furred and Feathered Friends.’ See more responses here. Since I don’t have a pet, I was readying a selection of bird photos, when I observed this little scene where I work.

We have six cats there and twice a day we put food out in several bowls. There’s enough for each cat to have a bowl to themselves. But these two, Moon, on the left, and Grayson, invariably ‘share’ a bowl. When I say ‘share,’ I mean they push and shove each other rather than taking turns. Moon will often insert her whole body between Grayson and his food. Grayson has been known to raise a paw. But they never seem to fight, just needle each other, over and over and over….

Two cats squabble at a food bowl in Hawaii
It’s my turn…
Two cats squabble at a food bowl in Hawaii
…So shove off.
Two cats squabble at a food bowl in Hawaii
My turn now.
Two cats squabble at a food bowl in Hawaii
No it isn’t.
Two cats squabble at a food bowl in Hawaii
Two cats squabble at a food bowl in Hawaii
I told you, it’s my turn.
Two cats squabble at a food bowl in Hawaii
Well, this is what I think!

Favorites from 2022

Surf crashes ashore on the North Kohala coast in Hawaii
January: High surf crashes ashore in North Kohala. (link)

This week’s Sunday Stills challenge theme is ‘Your 2022 Year-in-Review.’ See more responses here. Like last year, I’ve gone with a favorite photo from each month of 2021, with a caption and link to the post the photo first appeared in.

A Common Waxbill feeds on cane grass seeds
February: A Common Waxbill grabs a mouthful of seeds. (link)
A Monarch butterfly on purple bougainvillea flowers
March: A Monarch Butterfly on a bougainvillea. (link)
A Hawaiian Green Sea Turtle swims by
April: A Green Turtle swims by. (link)
Three cats resting in Hawaii
May: A trio of cats hard at work! (link)
A photo of an owl in a car wing mirror
June: How to keep birds off your car. (link)
A view of Green sand beach (Papakōlea) on the Big Island, Hawaii
July: The green sand beach near South Point. (link)
A white-tailed tropicbird flying over North Kohala, Hawaii
August: A White-tailed Tropicbird glides by. (link)
A Black-crowned night heron struggles o get out of an algae covered pond
September: A Black-crowned Night Heron struggles to get out of a pond. (link)
A Spinner dolphin leaps from the waters off Hawaii
October: A Spinner Dolphin leaps from the water off North Kohala. (link)
Two manta rays in the waters off Hawaii
November: A pair of Manta Rays swims toward me. (link)
A cloud forms over the site of the eruption on Mauna Loa , Hawaii
December: Mauna Loa erupted for the first time in 40 years, capturing attention and changing the weather. (link)

This does not look good

Feathers in a pool of water

When I went down for a swim one day, the water was rough so I stayed on shore and wandered around taking photos. There’s a hollow in a rock that the birds bathe in and I usually check that out. This was the scene on that day.

There are a lot of feral cats in this area, and I suspect that one of the bathing birds was rudely interrupted in its activities.

Solstice photos

A Royal Palm in Hawaii

This week’s Sunday Stills challenge theme is ‘Again the Solstice.’ See more responses here. I didn’t have any good ideas for illustrating the solstice so, instead, plumped for photos taken on the solstice.

The top photo, I’ve run before in 2019, but who doesn’t love a grumpy cat? The second photo, from 2021, is of a royal palm amongst other tropical foliage. These palms can grow to 70 feet tall and look very stately when planted in a row. This one was quite a bit smaller.

The bottom two photos show a Fiery Skipper butterfly on a Mesembryathemum flower in 2020, and a Pacific Day Octopus hunting in the company of a goatfish back in 2018.